My Philosophy


Dear Parent or Guardian,
I would like to welcome you and your child to this year's science course! 

As a lifelong learner, I am always interested in the world of life science, especially biology. This science is an ever-changing field which affects our lives daily. Therefore, it is important for all students to be scientifically literate in a world that overwhelms us with medical issues and technological advancements. Teaching is an art. It is being able to reach the students and to be able to retain their interest. Most students’ interest in the subject will be on a higher level when they can relate the lesson to things they may do or see on a day-to-day basis.

My passion for this subject led me to spread my passion and be a teacher to spark students' excitement on the subject. For my students, I will plant the interest in the subject in them. I will strive to teach them basic biological principles and train them to use the scientific process which involves making observations, asking questions, thinking of reasonable predictions, and considering ways the questions can be solved or approved. I will show them how science is related to other disciplines by using mathematics to tackle scientific problems. I plan to keep them connected by finding out the latest technologies and use many of them to learn more about science and our world. The best way to teach these skills will be to use an active-learning technique in my classes which include inquiry-based or hands-on activities that allow students to develop thinking skills and the ability to challenge assumptions, think creatively, and solve real-life problems.

The teachers that influenced me the most were the ones who presented their subject with enthusiasm and linked the subject to its relevance in everybody’s life. This is the kind of teacher that I would like to be: one who makes science easy to understand and at the same time directs its relevance to students’ lives.

I would appreciate your help in furthering these goals. Simply supporting your child as he or she explores science this year will go a long way!


